Oftentimes, I talk to teachers about the power of using a visual in the classroom.  When I ask them why it holds power, the typical is response is, "There are visual learners in the classroom."  This is absolutely true.  And, in today's society,  our population of visual learners grows by the day.

But, there's so much more.



+   It can make learning happen faster.

+   It can enhance the retrieval of information.

+   It can improve comprehension.

+   It can increase information retention.

+ It can support English Language Learners.

+ It can develop and hone critical thinking skills.


(For more details, check out the this article in Psychology Today.)


So, how do we harness this power? 

Have students create visuals whenever they can to support their learning.  I know.  You are thinking, my kids would spend HOURS working on one drawing.  But, they don't have to doodle endlessly.  The good news is that a quick sketch produces the same benefits.

For those of you who have done this for years, kudos to you!   You have seen firsthand how retention is maximized.  For those who have not yet bought into this idea,  give it a try.  Something as simple as having students create a visual for each of their vocabulary words can yield big dividends.

Good luck!

:)  Brandy