Some Free (or almost free) Sites and Apps to Try


Whether you are completely on board with the Blended Learning wave or you are tip-toeing in, here are a few sites and apps to check out.


No. 1

No Red Ink

This is probably what we all dreamed of when we turned in our essay! Haha! I find myself regularly recommending it to teachers for three reasons.

  1. It identifies student interest and builds lessons around it.  Are you huge Harry Potter fan and can’t stand football?  It is duly noted, and your lessons will reflect it.

  2. Learning is further personalized.  Students work on the skills they need to work on at their own pace.

  3. You have access to real time data.  From how individual students are progressing to who class data, you are able to make informed decisions on the mini-lessons that you are teaching. 

And, Texas public school friends, you will find the structure similar to what students will see on STAAR

So, check it out.  The best part- it’s free.  Of course, you can buy more advanced versions, but the free version is very capable.

No. 2

Equity Maps

Tracking which students share in class and how often can be an daunting venture!

Equity Maps offers a solution. The video above will give you a good overview. For only $2.99, I consider it a bargain!


No. 3


Let me start by saying that there are two people who live in my house who spend too many hours on this game. I may or may not be one of them.

Imagine being dropped somewhere in the world and your view is provided by Google street view. Your challenge is to figure out where in the world you are at that moment. From a rural, wooded road to a bustling market, you travel and look for clues. This is perfect for your early finishers or days before a break when planning is challenging.

WARNING: highly addictive

Happy exploring! And, please feel free to share the latest and greatest sites and apps you have found out there.

:) Brandy