
The most read post ever on this blog (that is still read at least once a week) is on depth and complexity in the classroom. So, clearly this is something on your radar! With that in mind, I wanted to offer you 3 more tips for implementing it effectively.

  1. Use the icons regularly.

    If you used them once in a lesson last fall, chances are your students have no memory of them. They are a remarkable tool, but you will only see real benefits over time with regular use. Encourage other teachers on your team to use them as well.

  2. Make them visible.

    I often explain to teachers that the walls of your classroom should tell your students what is important, so if you are using depth and complexity icons and want you students to use and value them, they must be seen. And, good news! You can access a free set of posters for your classroom here.

  3. Use depth and complexity with all students.

    Do you teach Kinder? It works! Do you teach struggling learners? It works! At first glance, it is easy to write it off as something better for gifted learners or secondary students. However, with a bit of scaffolding, it can be powerful for all learners as a pathway to deeper and more complex thought.


Are you looking for more strategies related to depth and complexity? Ian Byrd’s site Byrdseed also has some insightful posts and resources to explore.


Brandy :)