I'm starting a new series highlighting my favorite online resources.  Some of these you may know and love and others might be new.  But, the summer is a great time to do some online exploration and find ways to bolster your efforts in the classroom.

First up is the Teaching Channel. 

Where do I begin?  When I found it I knew I was in love.  It is a clearninghouse of professoinally made videos highlighting just about any topic you can think of in education.  I've used it countless times in workshops, and teachers gravitate it to it due to the multitude of strategies it provides.  Additionally, you will find that many times handouts for the strategies are included.  And, the very best part is that it is absolutely FREE.

Here are couple of my favorites.

To know the Teaching Channel is to love it.  Let me know what favorites you find!  And, if you have any suggestions for online resources to include in the series, I'm all ears!