Sometimes education world can feel like a mishmash of acronyms... PPCD, ARD, LD, ED, LMNOP.  (The last was a joke to see if you are still with me.)  But, all jokes aside, an acronym I am particularly passionate about is GT.   Gifted and talented students are the most undeserved population in schools today.  And these students need your support.

So, how do we help?   Start by checking out Byrdseed.   Ian Byrd has an entire site devoted to meeting the needs of gifted and talented students in the classroom.  And, while there are portions that require a fee, there is much to be explored for free.  I highly encourage you to take a quick tour.

Also, he recently joined forces with another GT guru, Lisa Van Gemert to create Gifted Guild, online professional development for teachers who want to learn more about serving the gifted and talented population.

So, as you are laying by the pool, consider giving it a google and let me know what you think!