I’ve heard people equate education right now to building an airplane mid-air and trying to keep it flying. And, I’m sure for many of you, that sums up your feelings perfectly. We had no time to brainstorm or plan; we were simply expected to make it happen. And, we have! I can’t begin to tell you how impressed I am with all that I’m seeing and hearing.
As I shuffled through articles and reviewed notes from online trainings I’ve been attending, I’ve wrestled with what I could offer you to be most helpful. And, then, talking to my daughters one evening, it came to me. They were sharing their experiences over the first few weeks of online learning, and I summed them up in these two things to remember.
1. Show your face.
Do this literally if you can. Even a quick video wishing students a good day can be a powerful form of connection. And, with social distancing being our new normal, we are desperately all seeking that right about now. They need to know you are still there and still care. If your students don’t have access to technology, I have talked to teachers who are making phone calls to students. Bottom line, showing your face shows you care.
2. Show grace.
There is nothing normal about this time we are living in, and we need to remember that while we are doing our very best to carry on with education, we need to manage our expectation with students. Please be flexible. Emotions, family dynamics, and even lack of technology can create significant learning challenges for your students. Keep that in mind when a student doesn’t complete an assignment on time, or needs additional support. Remember how we used to beg to be able to teach with out the constraints of testing and the surrounding bureaucracy. Well, now is that time; just enjoy your students!
So, while you may find the impressive scavenger hunt someone is sharing on Instagram or a colorful online unit you can purchase off of Teachers Pay Teachers, take yourself back to reality. Remember that in this unique moment in time. What matters most is just being present… for your own family and the family that used to file into your classroom each day. Anything that happens beyond that is a bonus!
Thanks for all you are doing teachers. You are AMAZING!
:) Brandy