I wasn't the first to jump on the Apple watch bandwagon.

CONFESSION:  The whole radiation thing didn't exactly make me feel comfortable.  After all, I assumed I was getting enough through my non-stop use of my laptop and cell phone. 

But, after some research and the real need of a new watch, I decided to go for it.  And, I'm so thankful I did.



You have atimer with you at all times.  There are a number of timers I have recommended over the years, but seriously, how can you beat a timer on your wrist.  From timing tests to reminders of class ending times, you can't go wrong here.



Text and email notifications are made simple.  The reality is that emails pour in all day long, and some require prompt attention.  With an alert on your wrist, you can glance rather than making multiple trips over to you computer, saving precious class time.  And, of course this can be disabled if desired.


Step tracking, heart rate, tracking and more makes you feel more efficient.  Isn't it nice to know that all those trips up and down the halls are paying off!  There are also many health apps you can download to even track your sleep habits.


So, that is just a start.  Do a bit of research, and I'm thinking you might find you can't live without it.  Did I mention it will translate?  And, you can buy a waterproof version? 

If you are now about to pull the trigger on a purchase,  here's a pro tip.  All the fabulous bands you find at the Apple store can be purchased on Amazon for a fraction of the cost.  Let me know if you would like a link!

Okay, I will stop, and, no, Apple did not sponsor this post. :)

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