PBL Pointers
Do you remember driver’s ed? It is quite fresh in my mind with my daughters about to get their licenses. GULP!
I view PBL as similar to drivers ed. Students are in the driver’s seat. We are letting them out on real roads, allowing them to make their own decisions, and yet, we are right beside them. We have a break on our side, too! And, we can even grab the wheel in an emergency. So, while we hand over the responsibility of driving a car, we are still very present, coaching and guiding.
In light of that analogy, here are a few pointers that I often share with teachers.
1. | There aren’t any perfect PBL’s. You don’t have to check off a list and follow it exactly. Like everything in education, you do what works best for you and your students. If that means that it is modified version, that is OKAY!
2. | Though you are a facilitator you are still their teacher. They still need you. The success of the PBL experience falls largely on your shoulders. That statement isn’t designed to add stress but to help you understand the critical nature of your role. You will structure, guide, and question. And in the beginning, quite a bit of scaffolding might be necessary.
3. | While we want to let the students manage this process to the greatest degree possible, check points and accountability checks along the way are necessary. Be sure this is part of your plan from the beginning. You will thank me later!
I could go on, but I hope these suggestions help bolster your confidence as a PBL teacher and maximize the success of your students.
Share with us your best PBL tip, and let me know if you would like future posts on this topic!
:) Brandy