Photo by Ann H from Pexels

Photo by Ann H from Pexels

As we continue to evolve in how we teach during a pandemic, many conversations that I am having with teachers and administrators focus on effective assessment and feedback. Today, I wanted to share with you some insight into how trust, in particular, plays a big role in the feedback process. This less than two-minute video provides an excellent explanation, so I encourage you to click and watch.

Did you ever consider the impact of trust being that significant in the feedback process? It was eye-opening to me, and I appreciated the framework to help me process how it all fits together. Now that we confirmed the integral role trust plays in the feedback cycle, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a resource that would allow us to connect in a greater way to our students while providing feedback, even virtually? Enter Mote. Mote allows you to leave voice notes for students on their Google assignments. The one-minute video below will walk you through the simple steps, if you are interested.

Let me know your thoughts! And, if you haven’t heard lately that you are appreciated, please know that you are!

:) Brandy