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Spring fever is a very real phenomenon, as any teacher knows. The question is, once it hits, how do you not only survive but still find ways to thrive in the classroom? Have you tried gamification? It isn’t exactly new to the scene, but gamification is still quite popular thanks to its improvement of students’ engagement. If you are unsure of what I’m talking about, check out this post that will walk you through an example and explain some basics.

So, if the idea of gamification has piqued your interest, I highly recommend you check out Flippity.

While it may not be flashy on the surface, I found it to be a treasure trove. It provides a multitude of engaging games and activities and even some productivity tools! Flippity works based off of Google spreadsheets. But, don’t let that scare you off! For each game or tool it provides a demo, instructions, and even a template to get you started. And, if you still are thinking the spreadsheet piece is too much to ask, there are even options to use it without spreadsheets.

Check out the videos below to see it in action. The first one demonstrates the random name generator, and the second provides an overview on using the games.

With more than 20 games available, plus the random name generator, Flippity packs a punch. What other platforms are you using to gamify your classroom and battle spring fever?

:) Brandy