Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels
Congratulations on completing the 2020-2021 school year! I would give you each a gold medal if I could. Seriously, I would! As summer is now in sight, my sincere hope for all of you is that you will find time to relax and recharge.
However, during this transition, I’m also hearing the fear-tinged rumblings of how we will ever recap the learning losses of the last year. It’s not an easy questions to wrestle with, and recently I came across this article that provided some fresh and encouraging insight, “Too Much Focus on ‘Learning Loss’ Will Be a Historic Mistake”. The below excerpt had me high-fiving the author!
“The truth is that if your kid was sick at home and missed three months of math content, but got her confidence back, it wouldn’t be a big issue in her life. But if her confidence as a mathematician is destroyed because of labels that were put on her, it’s a lifelong issue for her. She’ll never be confident in math again.”
Once you come up for air, I hope you will take a few minutes to check it out. Remember, we are all in this together!
:) Brandy