my favorite online resources.(1).jpg

I'm back with another online favorite...the Florida Center for Reading Research.

It may not sound very glamorous at first glance.  But, you know all the money and time you have spent on Teachers Pay Teachers?   Well, I'm about to save you on both fronts!

I've never seen teachers as happy as when they gaze over the loads of FREE resources on the site.

So, let's check it out.   If you click here you will be taken to the Student Activities page where you will find 3 grade level bands of activities.

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Then, choose one.  Student Center Activity options for grades 2-3 looks like this.

I then chose word analysis and a variety of activities showed up- 52 pages worth to be exact!  Here is the first one you will see.

Activity masters are provided for each, and when you print all of this out for your chosen grade levels, you will end up with a 3 inch binder full!   Here's my pro tip.  Print it at school!  :)

Teachers find FCRR particularly helpful for station work, guided reading, and especially interventions since there are materials starting at the kindergarten level.  And if you need materials on the Pre-K level.  You can find that, too!

Have fun exploring, and let me know what you think!