When I say the word challenge, do you get excited by the proposition or do you shrink?  We all relate to challenges in different ways, but brain research confirms that we all share one similarity.

We need challenge...but just the right amount. 

Take a look at the challenge spectrum below.


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Think of the yellow bar as the sweet spot.  We need just enough challenge to avoid boredrom and that feeling that "I already know all this."  But, at the same time, if receive too much, too fast, without enough background knowledge, we feel frustrated. 

Understanding this can begin to transform the way we look at our learners.  Where do they fall?  Is that why they are giving you grief in class, burying their heads, or simply giving up.   Once we know where they are, we can help them find a the path to meet their needs. 

So, the next time you see a students' behavior you aren't particularly fond of, avoid a brisk reaction.  Instead, consider where they might be on this spectrum.


:) Brandy

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