

Years ago, in my education classes (I will let you guess how many years ago.) we studied and practiced how to design creative bulletin boards.  I laugh sometimes when I think of the hours of my life spent punching out letters, and later stapling them to the bulletin board only to realize I was missing an “e”. 


Can you relate?


These days, bulletin boards can be so much more.  One of my clinical teachers this fall created this beauty. 

Not, only is it eye-catching and creative, (my professors would have approved) it also provides a pathway for students to interact with the content.  Way to go Lora!

Admittedly, I possess none of Lora's creativity.  But, I think the concept of doing more with a bulletin board is a real possibility.  So, the next time you grab some purple butcher paper to staple to the wall, take it one step further and consider how this might serve as another element of engagement for your students.  With the very limited time we have these days, it will help you kill two birds with one stone.