CurB THE CLUTTER-4 Things to Clear Out of Your Classroom


With the end of the school year upon us, you may be limping to the finish line, out of steam, and ready for a day or two to sleep in! But, some of you are madly packing boxes as you prepare to move classrooms, or even schools! And, others of you might have left it all behind dreading the return to your piles later this summer.

The times I’ve moved in life, I’ve used it as an opportunity to Marie-Kondo things a bit. If you aren’t sure of my reference, check out the link. I’m always down for moving less! And, even if you aren’t facing a move, won’t it be nice to return from summer with just a little less in your classroom? Louise Smith said it well, “You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.”

So, with that in mind, here are 4 things you might want to consider parting ways with!

  1. Knick nacks

    Yes, they are cute and sweet, and maybe at one time even meaningful, but now they are collecting dust. You probably have too many. Do they spark joy? If not, release them.

  2. Student art work

    Are you cringing? How could I possibly say that? Let’s be honest, at the end of the year, it’s time to cull through all of it and choose the pieces that you want to keep and love for years to come. Take those and put them in a special keepsake box. Then, you have a wide open space to make room for your next round of special art and notes that will be sure to greet you.

  3. Papers

    I realize this is a general statement. But, remember we live in the digital age. There is no need to keep multiple copies of pages you can access digitally. I’m giving you permission to let go…as long as you have backed up files!

  4. Unused containers

    You probably have a stash of these somewhere just waiting to be put to use. But, there they sit . Sort through them, and if you can’t put them to use today, let them go. Here’s betting a teacher friend down the hall would love them!

Remember, less is more!

And, try to make the switch from “I might possibly need this someday” to “Is this is something I need now?” It’s freeing; I promise! If this just sounds like too much right now, try just focusing on just one item grouping a week after summer break.

I hope your summer is off to a good start! Mine starts in a week, and I CAN NOT wait!

:) Brandy