Whether you teach kindergartners or seniors, one hope you have for your students is that they learn to identify what quality work looks likes and what it takes to get there.  In the real world, their teacher won’t be there guiding and encouraging revision.  And, eventually, we all learn that we must step up and embrace the path to quality if we want to succeed. 

Here is the easiest way I know to make that happen. 

This isn’t rocket science.

Are you ready?

Require students assess their own work before you assess it.




Buck Institute for Education

Buck Institute for Education

As you can imagine, rubrics work well.   And, as with most strategies, this doesn’t have to be implemented daily, and it doesn’t have to soak up tons of time. Instead, when using a rubric, run it double sided, and simply have the students evaluate their work prior to turning it in. 


Or, simply give students a sticky note and have them tell you what they did well and what they could do better.  This is great jumping off point for a one-on-one conference or even peer conference.

You will be surprised at the honesty you will encounter.  Students are often harder on themselves than you would ever imagine.

How do you encourage self-assessment?